UPDATE On March 3, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

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Disclaimer: All information on my health pages has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.

Beets beat cancer. Alexander Ferenczi, MD a Hungarian doctor, claims that he has cured every type of cancer by having the patients eat beets. He reported this in 1974, in the Hungarian Journal of Medicine. The article has been translated and reprinted in many journals since then. The treatment works with raw, cooked, baked, or pickled beets. The juice is good too. One warning from the doctor. Overdoing the treatment can lead to overloading the liver with demolished cancer cells, so take it easy.

Remember Mama's Recipes


Beet Therapy for Cancer See link below


Beets ASC


One of the most remarkable and tremendously successful programs for


treating many different kinds of cancer tumors was commenced in the


late 1950's by Alexander Ferenczi, MD., at the Department for


Internal Diseases at the district hospital at Csoma, Hungary, using


nothing but raw, red beets.

The pigment in red beets is also a sort of litmus indicator. Combined with acid, beets turn vividly crimson. But with an alkali, they turn blue.

Beets also contain a peculiar "vitamin imposter". An anti-thiamine substance in beets tricks our cells into believing it is thiamin (B1). It lodges in our system and keeps the real B1 out. I recall reading (somewhere, years ago) that the way around this is to cook your beets.

Beet greens supply a goodly amount of calcium, but they also contain oxalic acid, which will leach calcium from your system.

Ringing in ears...beet juice

The juice of the root put into the nostrils purgeth the head, helpeth the noise in the ears, and the toothache.

Nutrient Analysis for Beets


One chat member said that beet juice controlled her gallbladder spasms.


Type in Alexander Ferenczi MD in your search engines and read more about this pioneer in beet therapy.....


is a good place to start.

Red Cabbage, Red Beets.  All cabbages - including their kin broccoli, cauliflower, kale, brussel sprouts bok choy, and so forth - are not only rich in calcium, but recent research has shown that they are also extremely rich in cancer-fighting flavenoids, the source of the purple colour of the red cabbages. But the red cabbage tops them all; it is the richest source of all vegetables, besides red beets. Red beets have so much of these flavenoids that it can alarm people who are not used to them, because it turns urine red. But there is no reason to panic, it's just the abundance of the potent flavenoids in red beets.


* A parsley and celery juice combination is a proven headache helper?

* A smoothie of papaya, peppermint, and fennel relieves indigestion faster than the top-selling antacid.

* A simple licorice tea can stop children's coughs.

Cranberry juice neutralizes the bacteria that causes bladder infections.

An enzyme in pineapple juice reduces swelling. inflammation of joints due to arthritis.

Vegetable Guide


Cancer, Top 10 anti cancer foods, health tips,

BEETS  Famous for their ability to cleanse the blood. Beets contain calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, choline, beta-carotene and vitamin C. Beets are also high in minerals which strengthen the liver and gall bladder, and are the building blocks for blood corpuscles and cells. Beet greens are excellent for salads and juicing. Beet greens are a good source of carotenoids which help in the prevention of all types of cancers. They are high in manganese which is an important mineral for brain function.

Beet juice is very concentrated. Do not drink it alone. Dilute with a milder juice such as carrot or apple. Beet juice has been proven therapeutic in the treatment of leukemia and cancer. In a clinical trial, 22 patients with advanced inoperable cancers were given 10 oz. of beet juice daily for 3 to 4 months. Twenty-one of these patients showed marked improvement in health.

Beets cause the stool to turn red and may give the urine a reddish tinge. When juicing beets, alternate between pieces of beets and pieces of carrots, otherwise the beet pulp tends to build up on the side of the spinning extraction basket and causes the juicer to vibrate.

Lactofermented beet juice is fermented with lacto bacillus, making it sweeter. On a juice fast, this delicious juice is like a bottle of Champagne.

Purchase firm, rock-hard beets. Being a root, they can be stored for months in the refrigerator.

Beets - RediBeets (more beet information)


Eve's Cancer Cure


Be sure to visit this site...learn about all the herbs.




The juice of the Red Beet snuffed up the nose helps a stinking breath, if the cause lies in the nose, as many times it doth.

There are two sorts of Beet, the Common White and the Common Red. The Beets hath many great leaves next the ground. The root is strong and hard, but when it hath given seed it is no use at all.

Where to find it: Beet is extensively cultivated both for its sugar content and as a vegetable. It is derived from Beta vulgaris subspecies maritima which grows wild along the coasts of Europe.

Flowering time: It should be harvested before it flowers, being a root vegetable.

Astrology: The Red Beet is under Saturn, the White under Jupiter.

Medicinal virtues: The White Beet loosens the belly and is of a cleansing, digesting quality, and provoketh urine. The juice of it openeth obstructions both of the liver and spleen and is good for the headache and swimming therein, and turnings of the brain. It is effectual against all venomous creatures, and applied upon the temples stayeth inflammations of the eyes. It helpeth burnings, being used without oil. With a little Alium put to it, it is good for St Anthony's fire.

It is good for all wheals, pustules, blisters and blains in the skins. The herb boiled and laid upon chilblains or kibes, helpeth them. The decoction in water and some vinegar healeth the itch if bathed therewith, and cleanseth the head of a dandruff, scurf and dry scabs, and doth much good for fretting and running sores, ulcers and cancers in the head, legs, or other parts, and is much commanded against baldness and shedding the hair. The Red Beet is good to stay the bloody flux, women's courses, and the whites, and to help the yellow jaundice. The juice of the root put into the nostrils purgeth the head, helpeth the noise in the ears, and the toothache.

Modern uses: Beetroot juice is used in combination with other vegetable and fruit juices. For example, the combination of Carrot and Beet juice with Coconut milk gives a potent cleanser of the kidneys and gall bladder.

 "You are not your own - - you were bought with a price. Therefore,

honor God with your body" -- I Cor. 6:19b,

Sinus Infections can get serious!!!


Everyone thinks of

sinuses as just being in your nasal passages near the eyes, but I learned

that they are plentiful and go pretty deep into the head. One nurse told me

she would rather have pneumonia than some of the sinus infections she has



Sinus information on above link.


My wife uses cider vinegar to smooth her dry,cracked hands/fingers. this may work for your nails as well..... Just soak for about 5 minutes at night.

Miracles of Mudras


We do not degenerate because we age - we age because we degenerate!

A cure to calm stomach is pickle juice...

Mrs. Fannings pickles are the best...(hard to find tho)

The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last.

Oscar Wilde

For cracked and peeling fingernails, taking MSM has been known to help grow stronger nails. For hangnails, try opening a Vit. E capsul and applying it to the affected areas morning and at night. I also found the Vit. E useful for coldsores!

(Castor oil also stops coldsores)

Overweight bodies get so screwed up that they mistake thirst for hunger.. when hunger is at an inappropriate time to drink a large glass of water before eating anything.


Athletic Injuries

Natural therapies to promote healing of sports injuries include

Botanical, Energetic And Nutritional Supplements (BEANS) that support the

traditional responses of:

Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation (RICE).


Nutritional responses include supplementation with Vitamin C to combat

inflammation and promote tissue repair, use of Bioflavonoids to provide

Antioxidant action and modulate Enzyme reactions associated with

inflammation, and taking Glucosamine sulfate, which actually helps to

rebuild cartilage.

Useful enzymes and herbs include Bromelain, which breaks down scar

tissue, decreases edema and blocks inflammation mediators; and Turmeric,

which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Homeopathic responses begin with Arnica, which should be given

immediately for bruising, trauma or soreness. Also useful are Rhus tox

for sprains and strains, Ruta for bursitis and bone bruises, Symphytum

for bone fractures, Ledum for bruises and Hypericum for injuries

involving nerves.

Cream of tartar...mixed with water is great for cleaning windows

Vitamin D

Lowers Risk of Type 1 Diabetes - Babies who were given vitamin D were at a

substantially lower risk of developing diabetes than those who were


Scabies is a skin itch you can pick up from a microscopic mite. I think my dogs have it right now. Will have to do something about it. There are a variety of cures with herbs, but the easiest in Belize is onions. You boil the onions for a half hour and then use this quart of water to apply it liberally over the body were you have scabies. It kills the mites. The extract that works is called quercetin.

Itching sensation is cured either by eating coconut

or by applying finely grated coconut on the body.

Magnesium salicilate (called backache pills) for back pain.

An inversion table...May help back pain

"The greatest of all pilgrimages is to relieve the sorrow-laden heart."-'Abd'ul-Baha

"Joy isn't the absence of pain -- it's the presence of God."

Noni juice can help stop the urge to drink and smoke.

"The browner the cabbage the better the soup "

Brown in pan in hot olive oil before adding to your soup.

Cinnamon tea is a natural blood thinner.


Use Equal parts: Ginger root, cayenne peppers, horseradish root,white onions, garlic placed in apple cider vinegar for 14 days

(strain and bottle use as needed all winter)

"Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead." (Chinese Proverb)

OCD means obsessive compulsive disorder.

3 tennis balls or 4 in dryer will take lint off of clothes

OK, here's Duke's garlic dose for yeast infections...

UP TO 12 cloves chopped & raw, taken 2-3 times a day in juice.

Doesn't say how many days to take it, must be until the problem is gone.

Years ago, colloidal silver was recommended to combat anthrax.

Bell's Palsy

Also called Facial Palsy, Bell's Palsy, (named for a Scottish Surgeon,

Sir Charles Bell), is a paralysis of the facial muscles due to

inflammation of the facial nerve. The disorder is usually temporary and

one-sided.  It comes on suddenly and may be associated with Herpes

Zoster (like shingles and chickenpox).

The face and mouth sag on the affected side and the eye usually cannot

close completely.  There maybe pain in the ear on that side.  Taste may

be impaired or sounds may seem unnaturally loud depending on which

nerves are affected.  It can occur at any age and affects Males and


If the left side of the face is affected, the mineral Sodium should be

supplemented.  Celery, carrots, beets, lemons, are high in sodium.

 Kelp, Gotu Kola, Licorice and Rose hips are herbs high in Sodium.

If the right side is affected, Potassium is suggested.  Lentils,

bananas, wheat germ and leafy greens, kelp, peppermint, sage, parsley

are all rich in Potassium.

If the myelin sheathing on the nervous system was totally healthy it is

almost impossible to contract Bells.   To build the nervous system I

would take B-Complex, RE-X, HVP, Wood Betony and Valerian I would also

add Spirulina 

Alfalfa  stimulates the  pituitary.

L-Lysine helps the body fight virus.

IF-C for inflammation is very beneficial.  

Because Bell's Palsy can be caused by a virus, VS-C should also be


Most people recover in a few weeks with no lasting symptoms.  Very few

are left with permanent muscle weakness.


I have worked with several people with Bell's Palsy, it is not uncommon

for someone to tell me they are 95% symptom free in a matter of days,

while usually Bell's last much longer than that.


The regimen I suggest to most is VS-C (25  a day) L-Lysine (6 a day) and

RE-X, Spirulina and Flaxseed oil to keep from getting it again.

Home Page    E-mail MarysHer

Brazil nuts are good for selenium.... Omega 3's and iron.

Varicose Vein Treatment

This old folk remedy is still being used in some foreign countries. Apply apple cider vinegar, just as it comes from the bottle to the varicose veins night and morning, by means of the cupped-hands treatment. Shrinking of the veins should be noticed by the end of the month. In addition to applying the vinegar to the veins, two teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar added to a glass of water are also recommended twice a day.

If you are suffering from forgetfulness chew 3 grams of cinnamon daily for a month and check if your memory improved.

25ml of olive oil mixed with 250ml

of barley water, if taken internally, is highly effective against

chronic constipation.

Ulcers and boils,

which show difficult healing condition, are healed up with the use of

olive oil locally.

Biotin is found in Egg yolk, meat, lowfat & nonfat milk,

dark green vegetables, also made by microorganisms in intestinal tract.

Kidney stone treatment

 This is from a chat member who gets kidney stones from all of her meds. When ever she has an attack she now does the following:

She takes some tincture of wild yam to relax the area where kidney stones are.

 Then she drinks: 1/4 cup of Apple Cider vinegar and 1/4 cup of oil mixed together.

She adds a little sugar and water to make it more palatable. She then lies on her right side with her head elevated. The next day her pain is totally gone.

Mayo Diet


A new way to Muscle test...

Hold the product in left hand over heart and cover with right hand

if it is "good" for you, you will 'lean" backwards, if not, you will lean forwards

Please don't miss this beautiful Peaceful link...too wonderful!!!

It is called:




There... but for the grace of God.....go I.


"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice."

(Indian Proverb)


May the Lord Bless you in your endeavers to make this world a better place.


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Health Holistic.



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This page was last updated on 1-25-04


UPDATE On March 3, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




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Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti








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