and other calcium buildup Diseases



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Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Drinking hard water increases the buildup of deposits on joints, etc;

Physical stress or emotional stress can bring it on.  

There is one basic cause for any disease and this is simply malnutrition.

An absolute necessity in life is water. The human body is composed of over 80% water. 

The consumption of meat adds uric acid wastes to the system, producing gouty inflammation .

Blood uric acid dropped as a result of taking 12 lb. of fresh or canned cherries a day.  

One of the herbs highest in Vitamin C is rose-hips. 

Two teaspoonfuls of apple cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass of water three times a day.

When sugar is added to water, the amount of calcium that is absorbed is increased thirty-five times. 

Drink plenty of distilled water check that thyroid (through iridology or otherwise) and use kelp or some form of organic iodine to rebuild it if it is degenerating. 

Three parts mullein and one part lobelia (as a tea, capsule, or fomentation over the thyroid area).

We have found that kidney bean pod tea (one or two quarts daily) to be a Godsend.  One old woman of 91 years drank only a few cups daily without changing her diet at all and was able to walk without the use of a cane or walker as long as she kept drinking it.

Never use dry heat for arthritis, always use

moist heat such as a hot water bottle wrapped with a damp towel,

Massage and moderate exercise are also helpful.

Heat with linement or hot water helps relieve pain.

  Eggs: These are one of the main contributors to arthritis.

Milk and Milk Products: These are harmful to many people, both

adults and infants. Milk is a contributing factor in constipation,

chronic fatigue....and arthritis.

Cayenne should be used six days a week... This

herb is, as are the others, a food and not a drug. Work up to a teaspoon

of Cayenne three times a day.

(Oh my that sounds like a lot!!!!)

 Apple cider vinegar and blackstrap molasses are also beneficial. Use

a tablespoon of each in a glass of distilled water three times each day.

Make a salve for arthritis

You will have to buy an avacado take out the pit cut it up place in a bottle of rubbing alcohol put in sun shake for 30 days and then rub on really works

Gin and golden raisins help arthritis


If you have heel spurs they

recommend vitamin C tablets crushed into a powder or Vitamin C Ascorbate

powder made into a paste with water and applied to heel spurs to help

relieve the pain. Often the pain is from severe tightening of the

tendon. The Vitamin C adds elastin and collagen that allow it to loosen.

The herb Hydrangea will dissolve any excess calcium deposits.


Arthritis is the inflammation of a joint, characterized by pain,

swelling, and tenderness.

The following herbs are good for treating this condition:

* Bittersweet

* Black Cohosh

* Bogbean

* Celery Seed

* Daisy

* Guaiacum

* Juniper

* Meadowsweet

* Prickly Ash

* Scots Pine

* Silver Birch

* White Poplar

* Wild Yam

* Wintergreen

* Yarrow


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UPDATE On March 5, 2007

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Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti







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