UPDATE On March 7, 2007

Disclaimer: The resemblance of anyone living or dead in this story is not intentional. :) Kesti 16 cannot be held responsible for any changes made in people's thinking because of this story.This story may cause stress to some...read at your own discretion!!


Once upon a time in a place called Websville there lived a wicked old witch named Mannie Pannie...She was very evil and hated anything good. She especially hated a Golden Room called "Heavenly Health".

This special room was unlike most of the other rooms in websville in that people could gather there and get free advice for their problems. Only twenty five lucky people could get into the room at one time.

Mannie Pannie had to devise ways to try to stop this wonderful place of Concern. She began recruiting puppet people and putting strings on them so they would do her bidding. She would make them line up outside of the golden room and send them in... all the while...pulling their strings and telling them what they must say.

These puppets couldn't think for themselves so they had to obey her. There was one problem tho...as the puppets told lie after lie and caused much disruption...their tongues began growing longer and longer.

Soon their tongues were covered with huge sores that oozed brown pus. It smelled terrible. Their tongues would get so long that they even dragged on the floor...It was awful!!!!

The puppets would then ask for help from the good people in the room but they could no longer hear them as the good helpers had put the disruptive puppets on "laser sound out"!!!

The poor puppets would have to be dragged out of the room by Mannie Pannie and thrown into a pile in the corner of her filthy hut.

Soon Mannie Pannie had so many piled up that there was little room left...she tried every thing she could think of (tho she actually wasn't very smart) but she was unable to destroy the "Golden Room".

One day she became so frustrated that she spun wildly around and around until she fell to the floor...she continued spinning until she turned into an ugly black pool of tar.

OH...the puppets couldn't believe what they saw.....they began crying....with relief...and tried to untangle their strings.

One found a scissors and cut them all free...Their tears (which were filled with natural anti-biotics) fell onto their tongues and healed them.

They all returned to normal and stood around staring at the black pool of tar....shaking their heads and swearing they would never let anyone make puppets of them again!!!

The good people in the Golden Room continue to this day to help people in need from the goodness in their hearts...



written by Kesti ©

February 2001

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UPDATE On March 7, 2007

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Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti







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