UPDATED On March 13, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!

Check out my link near bottom of this page.

Disclaimer: All information on my health pages has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.



An Apple a day...1/2 tsp Black strap molasses and lots of distilled water

Keep the doctor away.

Distilled water benefits you...as your liver doesn't have to process and try to rid your system of all the chemicals

that have been added to city water...so it can easily do its cleansing job.

When you find information that you wish to save...copy and paste it to your own word program.

This is a good idea to do for any site you are visiting...You never know if a site will go down and you will never have access to that particular information again.

Help for your BACK!!!

"Kegal" exercises


This is a GREAT water link!!!

Past Forward Cure: Drink Water Now! http://www.healpastlives.com/future/cure/crwater.htm

Black Seed & The Immune System

The Black Seed is a plant which has been used widely as a natural

treatment for more than 2000 years. Modern experiments have proved that


Nigella sativa has a dilating effect on bronchi, an antimicrobial

effect, a regulating effect on blood pressure and a secretory effect on

the bile.

A mild laxative

Take one ounce of washed pearl barley. Boil the barley for 20 minutes in water.


Buy a cheap plastic spray bottle, wash and dry it, and put your

favorite oil into it. Use it instead of commercial "Pam." Not only

is it cheaper but it's also the oil of your choice!

  White figs and their juice can paralyze any worm which includes tapeworm, pinworm, 

               and roundworm

Cheesecake Tip

Try substituting Zwieback toast in your favorite graham

cracker crust cheesecake recipe. Zwieback toast is

available in the Baby Food section of most supermarkets. It

has a sweet, cinnamon taste. Simply reduce the slices to

crumbs in a food processor and substitute them for the

graham cracker crumbs in your recipe to create a new


Choose Healing

(Good advice for both physical and emotional wounds)

Healing is a process only you can begin. In other words,

you must CHOOSE to begin the healing process.

Choosing is key. You can CHOOSE to pour salt on your wound

or you can CHOOSE to put a patch on it and leave it alone.

If you continue to pick at it, your wound will bleed and

may get infected. Allow the love from your heart to wash

over your wound and cleanse it. Healing is about forgiving.

Cat's claw for lupus

Varicose veins

          Spread cottage cheese between 2 pieces of cloth and apply over varicose veins overnight  until gone.

               You can do the same thing with grated cabbage or head lettuce.


Beware of Lost-Dog Scam

If your dog is missing, please beware of this scam. Police

report that someone who claims to have found the missing

dog is phoning people who have placed newspaper ads looking

for their missing canine. The caller professes to have

found the pet while traveling, says it needs vet care, and

offers to ship it home by plane after expenses are wired.

Elated owners willingly comply. But when they get in touch

with the airline to check on the flight, they're told that

the pet is not aboard any airplane. Please be wary of

anyone who claims to have your pet and asks for money up




Bruising occurs with injuries when the small capillaries

under the skin become damaged. Small amounts of blood then

drain into the area. Homeopathic Arnica will resolve the

bruising quickly. If you bruise easily and are otherwise

healthy, consider supplementing with vitamins C and K to

strengthen capillary walls.

Big-five made by pure herbs co. helps bulging discs

Pure Herbs is a brand name and they have products that will heal a degenative disc

For bulging discs

Cetyl Myristoleate

Brown sugar gone hard? Just add a slice of bread and close the bag.

Like magic the sugar will soften for use and the bread you can throw


BRAT Diet No Longer Recommended

The American Academy of Pediatrics no longer recommends the

classic BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) diet to

treat children with diarrhea. While a patient with diarrhea

can tolerate these foods, they do not provide the nutrition

children need to recover. The latest research recommends a

diet of complex carbohydrates (rice, wheat, potatoes,

bread, cereals) lean meats, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables.

Fatty foods and foods high in simple sugars, such as tea,

juice, and soft drinks should be avoided.

Link to the American Academy of Pediatrics Web site!


Bladder infections: Take a teaspoon of pure garlic juice. This is said to be effective in killing off the bacteria responsible for many bladder infections. This simple treatment can be repeated as often as needed.

Kidney stones and Cystitis Soup recipe

Bone Pain With Flu

Many flu sufferers complain about the pain they seem to

feel in their bones. This pain can occur with or without

fever. For any stiffness or bruised feeling during flu,

take homeopathic Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the label


Tick Removal

Grab the tick with tweezers by the body and turn counter clockwise

Clutter is postphoned decisions

Borage Blossoms contain calcium.

Lowers fevers....helps kidney and bladder ailment.

Learn about botanicals click here

I have had 3 major surgeries in 10 years

Cocoa butter twice a day.

No scar tissue.

It increases blood flow around the area,

Scar Tissue - Eat 1 tbs of Almond oil in 1/2 pint of cottage cheese daily for 3 weeks for internal adhesions

Externally for scar tissue....Lavender Oil, Chamomile Oil in Calendula Oil base & 400iuVitamin E

Cypress oil is great for circulation

Brewers Yeast

In facial masks it is a circulation stimulant.

Calendula ...the petals and leaves....externally, as an

ointment or oil for burns, bruises and injuries.

Swedish Bitters for facials


To cure dehydration, add 1/4 tsp salt, 3 tsp brown sugar and 2 tsp lime juice to 1 teacup of water, mix well and drink.

Brains are our most precious possession as an individual...as a group...or as a country....We must reap the full harvest of our children's minds.

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Old Fashioned Hints


Alternative Health Remedies



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Life is a grindstone; whether it grinds you down

or polishes you up depends on what you're made of.

- Jacob M. Braude


Who, being loved, is poor?

- Oscar Wilde

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UPDATED On March 13, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter

Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti










Carp Fish
Carp Fish