"Ghouls in the Room"

UPDATED On March 7, 2007


The room was quiet and warm...she

was sitting up in bed reading her

favorite book of herbs.

A breeze was drifting in through the window

and she thought the rustling sound she heard at times

was the breeze moving the ivy leaves

that covered that side of her house.

It was the acrid smell suddenly filling the room

that made her look up.

Totally startled by what she saw ...the book fell

from her hands and she instinctively

pulled herself close to the wall

and clutched the covers to her throat.

The room was filled with Ghoul like creatures

wearing grey tattered robes...they were all staring at her

with the most evil intent she had ever witnessed!!!

Nothing was said...they just stood there

staring...eyes glowing in the shadowy circle

of the draped grey cloth hiding all of their

features except for their eyes.

They began moving closer to her bed...

she could see words written on each of them.

As startled as she was... she read them one by one...






and on and on.

She look into each set of eyes

as she read their names...When she had finished...

They moved forward towards her

and spat green slime on her beautiful white bed cover.

Their evil laughter echoed throughout the room....

then abruptly stopped.

They resumed their staring.

She slowly shook her head at them...

picked up her book and began reading.

In unison they screamed out their frustration..

at being thwarted.

she looked up in time to see them fading

back into the awful unhappy lives

from which they had come...

The slime had disappeard

from the coverlet

on her bed...

She moved back to her comfortable position and read...

Garlic has many uses...


by Kesti

1-30 2001©



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UPDATE On March 7, 2007

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