UPDATE On February 28, 2007

Check link at bottom of page for

easy ways to change your recipes

for better health.

Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how the information presented is used by the public.

Life is simple-----Stop complicating it!

Losing weight and keeping it off is a

Mind Set!

Choices are out there.



Choose to Choose.

Food is Fuel.

Food is NOT love.

Is Food your Drug of choice?

Obsessing about food and thinking about your next meal when you are eating the present one

is a sign that you are stuffing something not connected with food.

How many pounds of pain are you carrying?

Which is worse?

The pain of being fat or the pain of changing and becoming thin?

Which one will END the pain?

If food is dominating your thinking....isn't that like letting a person dominate you?


When you feel hunger pangs...picture a hungry alligator running loose in your body....chomping up your fat....because....that is exactly what is happening.

Hunger is truth...Appetite is a lie.

When you are "TRULY" hungry...you will choose the right foods that your body needs.

Enjoy an empty stomach...it is actually a good feeling.

Until you are in control...make little notes on your computer and put inside of your fridge...cupboard...and on all of your favorite fattening food snacks....saying...

"Love isn't in here"

'It's not here either"

Soon your subconscious will know the truth of these notes.

When you say:

"But I just LOVE food"

Ut Oh....More Denial.

Cleanse your body with hours of no food.

When you see Junk food commercials...See them for what they are.

Who is getting rich tempting you to be unhealthy?

If you become sleepy after you eat....it means you have eaten too much for that meal.

Don't drink during meals...instead chew food until it becomes liquid.

No multi-tasking during meals.

When you do fuel up....fuel with the "Premium healthy stuff"......for


are a valuable high perfomance engine.

POP stands for:


Find out what you are frustrated about...get it out...don't feed it!

If your car would get fatter everytime you gave it extra fuel...would you keep pumping in the gas until it took up both lanes?

Naw...you wouldn't.

Are you carrying a whole "OTHER PERSON" around with you?

Is that "second helping" you have been taking for him/her?

Some people only eat one meal per day about four hours after they wake up!

Some people have to eat constantly all the time...just to stay alive!

(and they hate it!)

Good healthy food will make your hair shine...your eyes bright...your skin beautiful.

Try this....

Put a ten pound bag of sugar in a back pak and carry it around for one day

during all of your waking hours. Notice that wonderful feeling when you take it off.

Mulitply that feeling by how many ten pound segments you need to lose.

Print this out and read before meals....soon these thoughts

will stop that reaching out for solace on a plate.

Good luck to you

Future Skinny Person!!



May the Lord bless you and keep you...May He make His face to shine

Upon you and give you peace.













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UPDATE On February 28, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter

Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti





Carp Fish
Carp Fish