Paage updated on February 27, 2007
Check out new link at botom of this page on how to revise recipes for health.
Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.
Most of us deal with it at some point but no one
really wants to talk about it...well if you have
read my pages know by now that I will talk about
anything concerning health....I have interviewed my Aunts
and some others who have many ideas on cures and helps.
I will list them from my notes.
(My Aunt Kathy says she is an expert on the
Start the day drinking a cup of hot water.
If you need bran...a home made bran muffin with
breakfast is the easiest way to utilized it.
When sitting on toilet...raising arms above your head
will help.
Massaging reflex points on wrists will stimulate colon.
In Japan massaging colon area is a morning ritual.
Drinking lots of water will prevent it.
Eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is the way to go.
(oops no pun intended)
Inhaling deeply and slowly blowing out air will cause gas
to move down and out...if this gives you a headache
You are not doing it correctly...let more air out of mouth.
A very comfortable way to help constipation is to make
"Prune Whip"
Boil prunes until tender and chop in
Whip cream and mix with prunes.
Eat one cup of this each morning before you eat or
drink anything else...(tastes good but very rich)
Stay at may work very fast.
Repeat for three days.
After three days you should feel very
"cleaned out"
Daily doses of 1 teaspoonful vinegar
or 5 - 10 drops tincture of yellow dock eliminate constipation,
indigestion, and gas. "Yellow dock is especially recommended for the
woman who finds her early menopausal menses getting heavier."
Constipation is the inactivity of the bowels resulting in difficult,
infrequent, or incomplete evacuation.
The following herbs are good for treating this condition:
* Aloe
* Balmony
* Barberry
* Black Root
* Bogbean
* Boldo
* Buckthorn
* Butterbur
* Cascara
* Figwort
* Flax Seed
* Rhubarb Root
* Sagrada
* Wahoo
* Yellow Dock
"Those with digestive system problems crave plates of chickweed salad,
for mineral-rich bulk and soothing, cooling energies to nourish their
weak stomachs and bowels. Chickweed eases and helps those with yeast
overgrowth, constipation, hard stools, hemorrhoids,stomach ulcers,
intestinal ulcers, colitis, internal inflammation, stomach cancer, and
those healing after treatment for appendicitis, peritonitis, or the
Not a usual topic of discussion, at least here in middle-class America,
is the position in which one attempts a bowel movement. Squatting can
really help alleviate mild constipation - but may be awkward on
traditional toilets. Some families find that using a small footstool to
raise and open the legs helps to facilitate an easier evacuation.
Massaging the abdomen with essential oils with laxative properties (in a
carrier oil base) like chamomile, marjoram, or peppermint can also be
For ounce aloe... 4 times a day
To heal colon..
1/2 cup water
1 TBlsp vinegar
1 tsp honey
1/4 tsp cayenne..
Drink several times a day..
Dill, which comes from the Saxon word meaning "to lull" actually has many tranquilizing abiities. For this purpose and To help overcome hardened bowel movements...simmer a teaspoon of the fruit..(seed) in a cup of boiling water, strain, and place the hot seed-in bread for eating...or use the strained tea to overcome colic and wind in infants It also increases the milk of nursing mothers.
To heal colon..
1/2 cup water
1 TBlsp vinegar
1 tsp honey
1/4 tsp cayenne..
Drink several times a day..
Good link for lots of information on Constipation
Tons of information on health on my home page
Click on link below to return to home index page!
Click on Mushrooms above
to return to Kesti's second Site.
UPDATE On February 27, 2007
Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes
plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!
As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter
Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.
Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site about Carp Fishing!
Thanks, Kesti