Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.


The body is a marvelous machine.

Here are some hints to keep it working properly.

Plenty of water.

1//2 ounce for each pound of body weight.

Plenty of sleep.

(Try for your eight hours)

Brisk walking or Cardio exercise each day.

Fresh air and sun for at least 20 Minutes per day.

There is more lymph in your system than blood..

keep it moving so it can keep your system cleansed.

Good food ...lots of variety

(chemical free)

Stretch upon arising.

Reserve a quiet time for yourself each day even if it is only ten minutes.

Deep breathing.

Relaxation techniques.



Never be angry when you drive...make it a relaxing experience ..you can do it!!!

Air out sleeping quarters each day.

Change sheets several times a week and use lightweight covers.

Please...no harsh alarm to wake you. Music is preferable.

(If you have had enough sleep..music should be able to wake you up)

Wear comfortable clothing.

No tight shoes.

If something annoys you...try to fix or change it..Keep stress to a minumum.

Try to eliminate OTC drugs

They cause your body to work harder to get rid of chemicals.

Find out the cause of headaches...insomnia...etc;

If you have headaches..or chronic anything...check out diagnostic page and try to get to the cause.

Click link below

http://kesti16.com/Kesti Page/DiagPage.HTM

Don't cause your own stress by running late , etc;

Stay away from negative people.

Commune with nature.

Live within your means.

Touch loved ones often.

Very healing and comforting.

Pets relieve stress.

Be open to new ideas.

Acknowledge a higher Power.

Think ahead.

Love and let yourself be loved.

Count your blessings...very healing and helpful.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or to cry. (male and female)

Do not accumulate negative feelings inside..

talk to someone or punch an inanimate object.

Let old issues die...move on.

Be yourself....love yourself.

If you don't have a Gramma to talk to ..you can borrow mine...she has lots of good mottos that saw her thru many troubled times.

Visit her at:


(I know she will have answers for you)




"May your Waters Flow Gently With Love Care and Concern"

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UPDATE On March 11, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter

Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti



Carp Fish
Carp Fish