UPDATE On March 5, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!

SEE my link near bottom of this page.

Disclaimer: All information has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.

"And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom" Anias Nin


(Attention Deficit Disorder)

This information was contributed by Vibredo.

(Vibredo is one of our regular Holistic chat members)

"Our son has ADD. I describe ADD like this:

When the body's nervous system can't keep up with the brain

it fries...shuts down and tunes out.

We were fortunate enough to find help for our son at a wonderful clinic in Hudson, WI


Special Children Center

1810 Crestview Suite #5

Hudson, WI 54016

(715) 385-6660


Occupational Therapy * Hydro Therapy

Physical Therapy * Speech Therapy

Auditory Integration Training

Our son was treated with this therapy four years ago and it was magical..."

The therapy is called SENSORY INTEGRATION

...it connects the brain to the body's nervous system. One part of this therapy specializes in hearing.


It remedies auditory distractions and helps keep a hearing focus (when listening to outside stimulus is needed) One method or treatment is to put the child into a hammock and swing the hammock for thirty minutes each day...every day for two weeks!!

This swinging motion while hearing the music integrates all sound levels into the body's nervous system. When the therapy is finished...the child does not use any headphones for anything at all for one entire year. This allows the therapy to integrate into the body in a gradual and permanent manner on a daily basis. In other words, using headphones too soon after this therapy can undo the therapy as much as waiting a year helps the therapy to work.

A sensory therapist at the clinic taught us about body brushing..the child's body is brushed three times a day with a corn silk remover brush...arms, legs and back only. We have continuted to do this brushing technique three times a day since his treatment four years ago.

This stimulates a grounding connection between the brain and entire nervous system.

One book that describes this field of treatment for parents and nonmedical individuals is called:

The Out-of-Sync Child (Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Integration Dysfunction)

by Carol Stock Kranowitz, M.A..

On the cover, the book is clearly endorsed by T. Berry Brazelton, M.D., one of the most famous and known pediatricians in the world.

Publishing information: A Perigee Book

Published by The Berkley Publishing Group

A division of Penguin Putnam, Inc.

375 Hudson Street

New York, NY 10014

Copyright 1998



We have bought and provided copies of this book for our son's teachers. And we suggest specific pages for them to read in order to get a taste of this approach rather than intruding on them to just read the entire work from cover to cover. Informed teachers that appreciate what they are reading will then read the entire publication.

Not only does this help them with our child..it helps explain the problems of many other children that they are teaching as well... In fact, we always hear back from these teachers that our child is mild compared to many others. This is a testament as to how well we are doing while many children are getting no sensory therapies at all.

Most parents and teachers don't even know that sensory integration even exists. They use verbal commands, consequences, and punishments to compensate for behavior. This is very cruel. Using discipline to compensate for needed therapy and putting blame and guilt trips on children for behavior that is often out of their control.

For example, if a child's nervous system gets distracted and fried from outside sounds, then just telling the child over and over again to pay attention is of no use.whatsoever...Vibredo

No food coloring is healthy...Hyperactive children should never be exposed to it.

Update August 7, 2004

Check this out!

Take a Swing ~ Products for Sensory Integration


Five Million Plus children in the USA on Ritalin


Artificial sweeteners and the damage they cause:


Protect agains E-Coli! Wash your hands in hot soapy water before and after

food preparation. Also, thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables. Leafy stuff

needs several changes of water until no dirt is visible. If you're extra

careful, a vinegar/water solution isn't a bad idea. Even bagged greens

need washing. And I scrub all melons with a little hot soapy water before I cut into them. Anything that grows in and on the ground could carry E-Coli easily.

Flea Control: Alternatives to Chemicals

Flea Problems?

If you're having the carpets cleaned anyway, or the flea

infestation is totally out of control, there is an

anti-flea mineral salt treatment for your carpets that can

be professionally applied. The recommended manufacturers

are Fleabusters and Radar Rex. The mineral salt treatment

should be effective for up to a year.

Amorphous diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled around

baseboards, under furniture, in cracks, and areas you can't

reach with the vacuum cleaner. It is messy to use, but is

effective and kills the fleas by causing them to dehydrate.

Do not use the glassified type used in swimming pool

filters. There is also a borax-based product available.

For bulging discs

Cetyl Myristoleate


Oregeno capsules for abnormal pap smears.

Castor oil pack on swollen ankle.

Burn Mugwort to stimulate accupupressure points

Hot ginger packs are good for extracting

great on the sinuses or on the abdomen

especially someone with menstrual cramps or edomitriosis

Ginger extracts, pulls things out and loosens things up

(Incredible for sinus infections)

Directions for Hot Ginger packs:


a couple of ginger roots put in pan with water and boil 20 mins

then strain ginger out

(wear rubber gloves)

it's good to have someone else do this for you

you lie down and let them do it

put some small towels into the ginger water.

then wring it out and put it on you where you want it

then dip the other towel

keep exchanging them for about 20 mins.

trying to keep the towels as hot as you can stand it.

it will break up a sinus infection in a short amount of time.

yes.... you may get red

just don't burn yourself.

If it's too hot put a thin towel on your skin

It's great for the chest if you have congestion as well.

I love it ...it is so soothing and relaxing

Emphysema? ginger paks every day until improved.

It's good to drink Ginger tea internally too at the same time

If you are without a whetstone to sharpen your cooking knife, rub it

across the bottom of a ceramic coffee cup. Works wonders, but don't

try this with your bread knife, it'll get ruined.

'Movin On"

The past is over--move on! Learn from your past and know

that today is a new day. With each new day come new

opportunities. And it is the "here and now" that really


You cannot take back or relive the past--it is gone. You

can only live in this moment, right now. Why dwell on the

past when you have a life to live?

Great information at:


B vitamins help Hepatitis B.

(especially Thiamin)

I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive.

-Henry Miller

A good remedy for the flu is yogurt with active culture and crackers.

Psyllium and bentonite clay in cranberry juice every day

takes all the toxins out of the body.

Peyers Patches in the small intestine

When you ingest fresh urine it hits the Peyers Patches in the intestines and boosts immunity

something like 400%

(Peyers Patches are immune system cells similar to tonsils),

Sorry...link is no longer available for above information.

Spelt Flour or Kumut flour is not made from wheat so those with wheat/gluten allergies can use it...It makes the flakiest pie crust ever!!!

Mash up overipe bananas and put into freezer..the sweet syrup they turn into may be used for those who have to watch their sweeteners.


In the column "Foods that Heal" Leo Galland, M.D. discusses

detoxifying foods which protect against the effects of

environmental pollution, free-radical induced cell damage

and cancer through dietary anti-oxidants. Foods that are

richest in these anti-oxidants are red, yellow and green

vegetables, uncooked nuts and seeds (like almonds and

sunflower seeds), and fish. He also outlines the important

infection-fighting foods such as garlic, ginger, onions, and

tumeric, as well as vegetables containing a high

concentration of a group of natural chemicals called

saponins, which have immune-stimulating and antibiotic

effects--soybeans, chickpeas, bean sprouts, asparagus,

tomatoes, potatoes and oats.

Read more at:



To saute with the flavor of butter and the heat necessary to produce a

nice browning effect, use a combination of 1/2 butter and 1/2 oil.

The butter will not burn and the oil will contribute exactly as much

or as little flavor as you desire. Peanut oil will give a very slight

nuance, while affording the capability for the highest heat. Corn oil

is almost flavorless and will allow you to saute using high heat.

Olive oil will add flavor (don't use extra virgin for sauteing or

frying - virgin or just plain olive oil is fine) and still keep the

butter from burning. You can use a slightly higher ratio of either

butter or oil if you remember that the higher the heat, the greater

ratio of oil to butter is needed.


For ingrown toe nail...I just read an article about using Hawthorne and place it on a nail bed

Somatic Massage

Hi Kesti,

I checked out your new pages and they are great! Iam a massage therapist, and I know when a person needs somatic massage, when they have little or no range of motion, and they are stiff and there is no way a massage, even deep tissue will loosen those tight muscles. So I save myself, and start their journey to connecting themselves to their (soma"s) or bodies. Through sensory motor awareness. I use pandiculation, which makes the muscle work connecting the golgi loop to the sensory part of the brain, it takes it to a higher level called the alpha, where the looseness occurs. The muscle is longer with greater tonus in it. Iam still awed at the benefits of Somatic massage. It is a foolproof method. Tight Muscles disappear before my eyes and under my hands. I have the client move with creative movements as I massage the shoulder, rhomboids, and pectorials, after Ive done the pandiculation. Iam amazed to see such a difference. I dont try to explain it, as I let my clients observe what they feel afterwards. Isee shoulders come down, necks get longer, legs get longer, arms get longer.

I pandiculate, with resistance when they are moving. I LOVE this new Method!!!!!!!!! I use it all the time in my practice. Iam certified and was taught by the guy who invented the somatic massage Richard Jordan. He is using Thomas Hanna"s Somatic concepts. I give my clients some somatic excersises to do, to keep themselves supple and soft. What I Love is to assist people out of Pain!!! And Somatic Massage is one way to do it. By them moving and becoming aware of their muscles, with their brain and not a habituated movement, without thinking. Have a wonderful Valentines Day, Iam offering specials at my Spa and got booked for the next three days.........I serve wheatgrass juice and fresh organic juices.......Wish you could come.... Love Linda

When I was a kid my mom used to put cloves out to keep the ants away....

Fresh Lime juice on cotton ball will kill infections.

Health For all


They say if you put magnet on open sore that is bleeding ..can make it worse... it thins the blood

Flea Control: Homemade Trap

Fill a shallow container, such

as a glass pie pan, halfway full of water and add a couple

of drops of dish soap. Set the container on the floor and

place a light directly over it. A small gooseneck lamp or

Tensor-type reading light is perfect. The bulb should be

fairly low wattage. You don't want to heat the area too far

beyond the water.


On 8/10 Teri's neurologist gave her a

bottle of MORINDA TAHITIAN NONI Juice to try to reduce

or get rid of some of her MS symptoms that all the drugs

he had perscribed for her did not even touch. Within 24 hours

her symptoms had subsided. When I read the book about

what it was and what it does, I decided to take it as

well. I have arthritis and am in a wheelchair and within one

week I could stand up straight, I was

flexible instead of stiff and for the first time in

almost 40 years I was without pain. I was truly amazed!!!

It is a juice that is grown in Tahiti and has been used there

for over 2000 years.

It is just a juice that can be given to babies and animals as



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Updated on August 5, 2004




UPDATE On March 5, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter

Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti





Carp Fish
Carp Fish