Check out new update February 27, 2007 on bottom of page

Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.


We all know that antibiotics bring on yeast infections as they kill the good bacteria

we naturally is a letter from someone who found a cure for herself.


Hi! I have been on antibiotics a lot in the past 6 years with chronic

sinus infections. After the birth of my second child 2 years ago, I

started to get yeast infections every month. The doctors were useless to

get help from. My friend had the same problem and her father-in-law (a

chiropracter) told her to take oregano pills and acidophilus pills. It

worked for her. So I tried it because I was itchy all the time!! Well,

IT WORKED!!! For the first two weeks I took 2 Oregano pills 2x's a day

with a meal, and 1 acidophilus 2x's a day. Then for the next two weeks I

took 2 Oregano pills once a day, and 2 acidophilus a day. You can get

them at any vitamin store. Give it a try, it might work.

I was cured.


There is also a dietary supplement known as culterelle.....

replenishes good bacteria preventing yeast infection



If you're a woman who has frequent yeast infections, sugar

may be the culprit. Studies have found that women who eat a

lot of sweet foods, no matter the source, are more prone to

yeast infections. Sweets raise the sugar level in the

bloodstream, resulting in a receptive environment for the

growth of yeast. Be sure to work with your physician or OB

on a good treatment plan that includes both lowering your

sugar intake and improving your overall nutrition.


Natural Help for Yeast Infections.

Many women suffer from frequent vaginal yeast infections, which can

indicate an underlying metabolic imbalance. It often helps if you change

your diet to make your body a less appealing host for the organism. Your

partner may want to do the same. (Studies suggest that treating the

patient's sexual partner may stop recurrence.) First, try reducing your

sugar intake. High-sugar diets stimulate the growth of yeast. Also, add

garlic to your diet. A clove once a day is a powerful natural medicine,

with specific anti-yeast effects (that's one segment from a bulb, not

the whole thing!). Mash or chop it finely, mix it with food and eat it

with a meal. Or, cut it into chunks and swallow the chunks like pills.

Fresh-grown garlic is much better than any garlic supplements. Chew a

little parsley afterward if you're concerned about odor, but if you eat

garlic regularly and have a good attitude about it, you won't smell of

it. Try it, it really works.

Finally, take acidophilus culture. These bacteria are the ones that make

milk sour. "Friendly" and natural to the intestinal tract, they may also

out-compete yeast in the vaginal area and change the chemistry of the

tissues to make them resistant to the fungi. You can buy acidophilus in

health-food stores, usually prepared in a milk or carrot juice base.

Check the expiration date to make sure the bacteria are healthy. Take

one tablespoon of the liquid culture or one to two of the dry capsules

after meals, unless the label directs otherwise.

These changes to your diet may help reverse some of your underlying

susceptibility to yeast infections. To treat the infections when they

occur, try placing a capsule of acidophilus directly into your vagina

once a day, or use a rubber bulb syringe to insert one tablespoon of

liquid culture. Another possibility would be tea tree oil, a nontoxic

treatment very useful for fungal infections. The oil is extracted from

the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a native tree of New South Wales.

You can find it in health-food or herb stores. Mix one and a half

tablespoons of the oil in a cup of warm water and use it as a douche

once a day. If you experience any irritation, however, discontinue its



The best tbing for yeast is not to feed it with sugar and animal protein



Yeast infections

Grapefruit seed extract

Yogurt internally an douche

Powerdolphillis for (yeast) infections

Probiotics help keep the good flora, etc;


Yeast infections








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UPDATE On February 27, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!



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Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti








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