UPDATED On March 8, 2007


Disclaimer: All information on this page has been gathered from articles..books..personal experience or testimonials of others. I am not personally recommending use of any of the ideas presented here...It is for your information only. Information contained here may be subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Kesti16 assumes no responsibility for how information presented is used by the public.



This technique was learned from a Chiropractor who spent two months in China

studying from the Masters. It is a sure way to relax the person you are working on.

Person should lie on his back on a

table...Once you touch the person...do not

remove your hand from him until the entire procedure is completed.

Starting at the pubic bone...massage in clockwise circles

moving up the body...do not take your

hand from the body...keep rotating

clockwise all the way up ...going

gently over the throat area ...under

chin.....lips....nose...when you reach

the forehead....slide your thumb one

way and your middle finger the other

until you can very gently grasp

each side of the temple....

(you should have turned your body so that

you are facing the top of the persons head)

hold this

for two minutes.....the person may

sigh and their feet may fall to each

side after about a minute....at the end

of two minutes....gently slide thumb and fingers

back to center of forehead and work

your way back the way you came

this time massaging in a counter

clockwise motion....when you reach the

pubic bone...you may take your hand away.

The person should be very relaxed and balanced...

Their yin and yang in good order.

Do not ask them to rise for about

five minutes as they will be very

relaxed and want to lie there for awhile.

If you are a Chiro...I am sure it will be

much easier to adjust a person with

all of the tension gone....making your job easier.



One of the most difficult things

to give away is kindness; it always comes back to you


Share your knowledge...It is a way to achive immortality.


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see many interesting health hints...photos...Poems...etc;

Wishing the best to you...always......Kesti


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UPDATE On March 8, 2007

Check out my Popcorn Flour Recipes

plus easily revise your recipes to low calorie and eat healthy for life!




As of November 8, 2006 I had 54,427 visitors and reloads on my Tripod counter

Due to a problem, I now have started the count over with a Carp fish counter.

Click under My New Green Counter to see a very interesting site and pictures about Carp Fishing!

Thanks, Kesti






Carp Fish
Carp Fish